Friday, February 5, 2010

Que Etiquette

Mmmmm, standing in line has to be one of my very favourite things to do. There's nothing quite like the smell of a strange hu,an being as it slowly, but steadily drifts over your shoulder on a sweltering African summer afternoon. Nothing quite gets the blood pressure up...

I know that things used to take longer and over the last few years, 10 or so, everything has started to move much faster. We spend less time in ques, less time on the phone, less time with friends and apparently less time bathing.

Despite the decrease in time spent in line and my acknowledgement of this fact, it still pains me - probably more than 10 years ago.

... and then there's the disregard for any Que Etiquette...
  1. Observe Personal Space
  2. Bath Before Queing
  3. Everyone Has to Do It - So Shut Up
  4. Complain (see 3 above) if the service is crap and only if you can sense general consensus on the matter
  5. Don't Leave The Que
  6. ... And If You Do - Don't Come Back

I hate ques and I hate people that fail to observe the correct etiquette. Its completely arrogant and insulting.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back In The Land of Tear Gas

Eish, but it has been toooo much of time since I last wrote something (entertaining or otherwise). Back on this side of the Iron Curtain, a little rusted as it is, running around like a man possessed, I'll do my level best to blog more often (promise to self).

27/10/2010 Rather an interesting start to my morning, small motor vehicle collision followed by a trip down memory lane. Anyone who worked in Kwa Zulu Natal during the late '90s will know exactly which lane I refer to - Riot Boulevard.

There is truly nothing quite as refreshing as telling an enraged crowd to shut up, I love stirring the pot a little. The individual lying on the floor with a bit of his tibia protruding from his right leg and a moderate head injury being attended to by 2 fire fighters and myself probably didn't appreciate the rush quite the same - but its only because his perception of the incident was skewed by the 3 storey fall that was preceded by a shove from his colleagues.

And then there's the tear gas, now that is really "get up and go juice". Well planned traditional protest dancing was cut short by its discharge and resulted in manic sprinting.

Aaaah, tear gas...